//! moment.js locale configuration //! locale : Chinese (Taiwan) [zh-tw] //! author : Ben : https://github.com/ben-lin //! author : Chris Lam : https://github.com/hehachris ;(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof require === 'function' ? factory(require('../moment')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['../moment'], factory) : factory(global.moment) }(this, (function (moment) { 'use strict'; //! moment.js locale configuration var zhTw = moment.defineLocale('zh-tw', { months: '一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_六月_七月_八月_九月_十月_十一月_十二月'.split( '_' ), monthsShort: '1月_2月_3月_4月_5月_6月_7月_8月_9月_10月_11月_12月'.split( '_' ), weekdays: '星期日_星期一_星期二_星期三_星期四_星期五_星期六'.split('_'), weekdaysShort: '週日_週一_週二_週三_週四_週五_週六'.split('_'), weekdaysMin: '日_一_二_三_四_五_六'.split('_'), longDateFormat: { LT: 'HH:mm', LTS: 'HH:mm:ss', L: 'YYYY/MM/DD', LL: 'YYYY年M月D日', LLL: 'YYYY年M月D日 HH:mm', LLLL: 'YYYY年M月D日dddd HH:mm', l: 'YYYY/M/D', ll: 'YYYY年M月D日', lll: 'YYYY年M月D日 HH:mm', llll: 'YYYY年M月D日dddd HH:mm', }, meridiemParse: /凌晨|早上|上午|中午|下午|晚上/, meridiemHour: function (hour, meridiem) { if (hour === 12) { hour = 0; } if (meridiem === '凌晨' || meridiem === '早上' || meridiem === '上午') { return hour; } else if (meridiem === '中午') { return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12; } else if (meridiem === '下午' || meridiem === '晚上') { return hour + 12; } }, meridiem: function (hour, minute, isLower) { var hm = hour * 100 + minute; if (hm < 600) { return '凌晨'; } else if (hm < 900) { return '早上'; } else if (hm < 1130) { return '上午'; } else if (hm < 1230) { return '中午'; } else if (hm < 1800) { return '下午'; } else { return '晚上'; } }, calendar: { sameDay: '[今天] LT', nextDay: '[明天] LT', nextWeek: '[下]dddd LT', lastDay: '[昨天] LT', lastWeek: '[上]dddd LT', sameElse: 'L', }, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(日|月|週)/, ordinal: function (number, period) { switch (period) { case 'd': case 'D': case 'DDD': return number + '日'; case 'M': return number + '月'; case 'w': case 'W': return number + '週'; default: return number; } }, relativeTime: { future: '%s後', past: '%s前', s: '幾秒', ss: '%d 秒', m: '1 分鐘', mm: '%d 分鐘', h: '1 小時', hh: '%d 小時', d: '1 天', dd: '%d 天', M: '1 個月', MM: '%d 個月', y: '1 年', yy: '%d 年', }, }); return zhTw; }))); CUSTOM MARTIAL ARTS | Custom MMA | Custom BJJ Gear | Shapes Fightwear





Shapes Fightwear offers complete custom martial arts equipment design and manufacturing services. We offer fully custom boxing gloves, custom MMA equipment, custom MMA gloves, custom fight shorts, custom headgear, custom shin pads, custom mouth guards, custom BJJ Gi’s, custom hand wraps, custom Gi patches, custom rash guards and anything else you need. We let you design the product you want the exact way you want it.

Shapes Fightwear will manufacture custom full dye sublimation, private labelling, screen printing, embroidery, graphics, material coloring, model fit, everything down to the last stitch! Our team can assist you through research and developing completely new products or simply help you customize already existing products. Fully customized products are great for combat sports’ Distribution Business, Club or Brand, MMA Gym, Academy’s, trainers, competitors, teams, and more! Start to select the products form below and a member of our staff will follow up with you about your order.